A new poll has revealed that three quarters of UK construction companies now operate a low carbon or carbon reduction strategy. The survey was carried out by fleet management firm TomTom Telemetrics, and also found that 58% of the 149 UK construction companies questioned regularly monitor and measure their carbon footprint.
More than half of the companies questioned stated that clients require them to meet certain standards when it comes to CO2 emissions, while three quarters said that they have similar expectations of suppliers, preferring to work with or use suppliers who demonstrate some commitment to operating in an environmentally conscious manner, including companies which supply their construction recruitment services.
This is good news for O’Neill & Brennan as one of the key benefits of our Recruitment Beacons is that workers sourced locally are far more likely to travel to site on foot, by bike, or by public transport. This can have a significant impact on the carbon footprint of a project, as has been recognised by the majority of respondents. Road traffic congestion, vehicle idling, and inefficient routing were all names as reasons for unnecessary fuel consumption, all of which can be avoided by employing someone who can walk to work.
The environmental factor is another positive to recruitment beacons which as well as benefitting the planet as a whole by improving sustainability will have a positive impact on local communities by providing construction jobs, upskilling workforces, and reducing (or at least not adding to) congestion.