Diageo’s new €200 million brewery
Works are to begin on Diageo’s new €200 million brewery in Newbridge Co. Kildare after opposition for the brewery was withdrawn. Plans for the new brewery were first lodged in 2022 and green lighted last December by An Bord Pleanála by an objection was submitted to the High Court. The new brewery will create up to 1,000 jobs in the area during the 20-month construction period, when complete it will create a further 70 jobs and will be operational 24/7 365 days a year for lager and ale production.
Vantage Data Centers DUB1 Campus
John Sisk & Son have been named as main contractor for the first two phases of DUB1, Vantage Data Centers flagship Ireland campus, located at Profile Park Dublin. The first two phases will consist of a 32MW and 20MW facility. The DUB1 campus will also include an on-site 100MVA multi-fuel generation plant capable of running a combination of fuels.
New Homes Approved in Limerick, Tipperary and Cork
Planning has been approved for the construction of 283 new homes in Limerick, Tipperary and Cork. Tribeca Asset Management Ltd has been granted permission by Limerick City and County Council for 167 new apartments in five buildings ranging from three to five storeys at Ardhu House. Cashel in Tipperary will see 100 new homes be developed by Dulla Developments Ltd after the large-scale residential development scheme was approved by local planners. 16 houses will be developed in Macroom Co. Cork after An Bord Pleanála greenlit the project following a rejection by local council. Carraiganine Holdings Ltd received the go ahead after a successful appeal.