
 Upskilling allows you to keep up with the current job market and the competition which is a game changer!

Whether your aim is to climb the career ladder, switch to a new field, or simply stay on top in your current role, learning how to upskill yourself unlocks new levels in your career development.

Upskilling is also a great way to stand out as a candidate both for promotion and in your next job interview. Read on to find out how you can upskill and advance in your career.

Assess Your Current Skillset

Start by evaluating your existing skills. Reflect on your strengths and areas that you need to improve in. Ask for constructive feedback from your colleagues, managers, or mentors. It’s hard to evaluate yourself fully, so this helps to give you an external perspective on your skills and areas for improvement.

Pinpoint Industry Demands 

Investigate current and future trends in your industry. Use resources like industry reports, online forums, and professional networks to uncover any areas where you may have an opportunity to grow.

Additionally, look at job listings for roles you aspire to and take note of the skills mentioned in the job specification, in particular the ones you aren’t confident with – these are perfect areas to focus on!

Set Yourself Goals

Upskilling can be overwhelming. It helps to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to help keep yourself focused. Small consistent steps are key. Too ambitious a target can overload you, and impact your motivation and productivity.

Set Aside Learning Time

Scheduling regular learning time is key to your progress. Book out a regular slot in your calendar that works for you and stick to it! Learning a new skill can be daunting but it will be worth it in the end. Instead of focusing on all the things you still need to learn, focus on the prgress you have made so far.

Practice and Apply New Skills

Now you’ve learned the new skills, apply them to your current job. If there are no opportunities to do this in your current role, try to start personal projects to develop these outside of work. This will solidify your learning, and having practical experience and results to share is great in an interview or conversation with your manager about a promotion.

Find a Mentor/Community

Finding a mentor with lots of industry experience who can provide guidance, advice, and feedback will show how committed you are to furthering your career.

Additionally, you can join communities, participate in online forums or local groups related to your field to stay informed and get support.

Prioritise Digital Learning

Digital learning skills are important in most industries. Studies show 65% of hiring managers had reported difficulty in finding suitably qualified digital talent. It is equally important to keep up to date with digital learning as there are always new advancements.

Measure Your Progress

Regularly assess your progress towards your upskilling goals and be flexible and ready to changes where necessary. Be ready to adjust your learning plan based on new industry trends or changes in your career goals. You can achieve this by regularly assessing your progress and staying informed about industry developments.

Present Your New Skills

Update your CV and LinkedIn profile to include your new skills you have gained. Be sure to share your learning journey and new skills with your network, which can open doors to new opportunities.
