Combat2Coffee are a not-for-profit project that provides purposeful rehabilitation, veteran outreach and training to recovering veterans and their families. Additionally they provide a listening ear to anyone that might need it by focusing on those that are struggling with their mental health, and encouraging people to ‘open up over a coffee’.
After serving with the Army for 12 years and being medically retired from his subsequent career as a prison officer, 48-year-old Coffee2Combat founder Nigel Seaman, began suffering from depression, anxiety, and flashbacks from an incident experienced during his time on operations with the armed forces.
Combat2Coffee was then created as a way for Nigel to provide purposeful rehabilitation, veteran outreach, and a training course to recovering veterans and their families to give back to the support network that Nigel says, “saved his life”.
We know that mental health rates are high in construction and it is so important to raise mental health awareness, and we are here with Combat2Coffee to encourage everyone to speak up!